Why choose St Patrick's?
St Patrick's is a small, friendly, happy school where all children thrive. With high expectations of behaviour and a nurturing, stimulating environment, we provide the very best start to your child's education. For the past four years, our end of Key Stage 2 (SATs) results have been above the national average.
We welcome applications from families of all faiths and none.
In a recent parent survey, 97% of parents said that their child is happy at school and 94% said that they would recommend this school to others.
Ofsted judged the school to be 'Good' in 2022.
"Pupils enjoy learning and playing in St Patrick s Catholic Primary School. The distinctive Catholic ethos and values are seen in positive day to day relationships. Pupils and staff show each other kindness, valuing everyone for who they are. Pupils say they have a strong sense of belonging to the school and its community. They want to attend school every day as they enjoy their learning.
Pupils meet the high expectations of staff. Pupils behave well around school. In lessons, they show good attitudes to their studies. Staff supervise the indoor and outdoor environments well. This supports pupils to feel safe when they are in school. Bullying incidents are very rare. Pupils say that if bullying happens staff deal
with it quickly and effectively. Parents feel part of the school community. They value hearing from staff about how well their child is doing at school." (Ofsted 2022)