Computing in the Early Years Offer
Early Years and Computing
Despite computing not being explicitly mentioned within the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) statutory framework, which focuses on the learning and development of children from birth to age five, there are many opportunities for young children to use technology to solve problems and produce creative outcomes at St. Patrick's.
In particular, many areas of the framework provide opportunities for pupils to develop their ability to use computational thinking effectively, such as through undertaking projects involving the concepts and approaches suggested by Computing at School’s (CAS) Barefoot Computing resources and those in our Mini-Mash Purple Mash links.
As young children take part in a variety of tasks with digital devices, such as moving a Bee Bot around a classroom, they will already be familiar with the device before being asked to undertake tasks related to the key stage one (KS1 - ages 5 - 7 years) computing curriculum, such as writing and testing a simple program. Not only will children be keen to again use a device they had previously enjoyed using, their cognitive load will also be reduced, meaning they are more likely to succeed when undertaking activities linked to the next stage in their learning.
Within the revised EYFS statutory framework, the Technology strand within Understanding the World has been removed. However, there are opportunities within each area of the framework to enable practitioners to effectively prepare children for studying the computing curriculum.
Incorporating computing in all areas of the EYFS
The September 2020 release of Development Matters (pg. 9) outlines how effective teaching and learning gives children the opportunity to play and explore, participate in active learning and create and think critically. The activities outlined below have therefore been included to meet these criteria where feasible. Tasks are outlined for each area of the EYFS framework, although many other opportunities exist to use technology with younger children; particularly when linked to a topic studied within class. Click the links below to see examples of how we provide a wide range of Computing skills and knowledge practice within the Early Years Provision.