Parent Guided to Year 4 Reading
Year 4 Reading
Assessing Reading – Year 4 Expectations
Word Reading
- Apply knowledge of root words, prefixes and suffixes, to read aloud and to understand the meaning of unfamiliar words
- Read further exception words, noting the unusual correspondences between spelling and sound, and where these occur in the word
- Attempt pronunciation of unfamiliar words drawing on prior knowledge of similar looking words
Reading Comprehension
- Know which books to select for specific purposes, especially in relation to science, history and geography learning
- Use dictionaries to check the meaning of unfamiliar words
- Discuss and record words and phrases that writers use to engage and impact on the reader
- Know and recognise some of the literary conventions in text types covered
- Begin to understand simple themes in books
- Prepare poems to read aloud and to perform, showing understanding through intonation, tone, volume and action
- Explain the meaning of words in context
- Ask questions to improve understanding of a text
- Infer meanings and begin to justify them with evidence from the text
- Predict what might happen from details stated and deduced information
- Identify how the writer has used precise word choices for effect to impact on the reader
- Identify some text type organisational features, for example, narrative, explanation, persuasion
- Retrieve and record information from non-fiction
- Make connections with prior knowledge and experience
- Begin to build on others’ ideas and opinions about a text in discussion
- Explain why text types are organised in a certain way
Assessing Reading – Year 4 Mastery
Reading-Exceeding Statements
- Locate and use information from a range of sources, both fiction and non-fiction
- Compare fictional accounts in historical novels with the factual account
- Appreciate the bias in persuasive writing, including articles and advertisements
- Talk widely about different authors, giving some information about their backgrounds and the type of literature they produce
- Use inference and deduction to work out the characteristics of different people from a story
- Compare the language in older texts with modern Standard English (spelling, punctuation and vocabulary);
- Skim, scan and organise non- fiction information under different headings
- Refer to the text to support predictions and opinions
- Recognise complex sentences
- Show awareness of the listener through the use of pauses, giving emphasis and keeping an appropriate pace so as to entertain and maintain interest
Writing-Exceeding Statements
- Prepared to carry out a little research to find words that are specific to the event being written about
- Check to see if there are any sentences that can be re-organised so as to give my writing a greater impact
- Consciously use short sentences to speed up action sequences
- Use dialogue and reactions from other characters to make my character interesting
- Recognise when a simile may generate more impact than a metaphor, and vice versa
- Recognise when it is reasonable to allow direct speech to tell the reader more about an individual’s personality
- Recognise that a combination of good adjectives, similes and metaphors may help create a powerful image of the characters I am writing about
- Know how to re-order sentences so that they create maximum effect
- Vary choice of pronouns correctly to refer to the first, second and third person, both singular and plural
- Use commas or ellipses in order to create greater clarity and effect in my writing
Use the links below to help you to support your child on their Year 4 reading journey: