Welcome to our Parent Teacher Friends Association (PTFA) page!
Follow our facebook group for all up to date information on events and mufti days: "Saint Patrick's PTFA Group".
We have a new PTFA for 2023 and we are very excited to be supporting St Patrick's and all our amazing children this year. The job of a PTFA is to fundraise money that is the used to create special opportunities and experiences for the children. Previously, this has included Christmas discos, movie nights, gifts for YR6 leavers, Forest School equipment, a summer fete, and lots more! The PTFA is run by parents and it gets to decide how to fundraise and what the money is spent on.
We have regular meetings which anyone is welcome to attend, whether you are officially part of the PTFA or not. We also rely on parents to volunteer to make our event safe and fun for the children so please do consider getting involved whenever you can.
Our hope is that we can be part of creating a fantastic school community that is really fun for the children, parents and staff to be a part of. If you have any ideas or questions about what we do then find any of us at the school gates, get in touch via email, or contact Miss Gray via the school office.
This year's PTFA team:
Chair person: Toni McDonagh
Toni has a daughter in Year 2. She loves to go camping in all weathers...!
Vice Chair: Keighley Nixon
Kieghley has two children at St Patrick's and a son at secondary school. She enjoys going to events with family and has the cutest sausage dog called Dugee!
Secretary: Gemma Cherry
Gemma has a child in Year 1 and another little one still at home. She loves our local community, cheese and pineapple sticks, and binge-watching Below Deck!
Treasurer: Aimèe Secker
Aimèe has a daughter in Year 5 and a son at college. She loves family movie nights, long walks with her dogs and giving back to the school community - and always her morning coffee!