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Parent Guides to Year 5 Reading

Year 5 Reading


Assessing reading – Year 5 expectations

Word Reading

  • Apply knowledge of root words, prefixes and suffixes to read aloud and to understand the meaning of unfamiliar words.
  • Read further exception words, noting the unusual correspondences between spelling and sound, and where these occur in the word.
  • Attempt pronunciation of unfamiliar words drawing on prior knowledge of similar looking words.
  • Re-read and read ahead to check for meaning.

Reading Comprehension

  • Become familiar with and talk about a wide range of books, including myths, legends and traditional stories and books from other cultures and traditions and know their features.
  • Read non-fiction texts, and identify purpose and structures and grammatical features and evaluate how effective they are.
  • Identify significant ideas , events and characters, and discuss their significance.
  • Learn poems by heart, for example, narrative verse, haiku.
  • Prepare poems and plays to read aloud and to perform, showing understanding through intonation, tone, volume and action.
  • Use meaning-seeking strategies to explore the meaning of words in context.
  • Use meaning – seeking strategies to explore the meaning of idiomatic and figurative language.
  • Identify and comment on writer’s use of language for effect, for example, precisely chosen adjectives, similes and personification.
  • Identify grammatical features used by writer – rhetorical questions, varied sentence lengths, varied sentence starters, empty words – to impact on the reader.
  • Draw inferences such as inferring characters’ feelings, thoughts and motives from their actions.
  • Justify inferences with evidence from the text.
  • Make predictions from what has been read.
  • Summarise the main ideas drawn from a text.

Assessing Reading – Year 5 Mastery

Reading-Exceeding Statements

  • Express opinions about a text, using evidence from the text, giving reasons and explanations. Point, evidence, explanation. (PEE)
  • Adapt own opinion in the light of further reading or others’ ideas.
  • Identify formal and informal language.
  • Know the features of different narrative text types, for example, adventure, fantasy, myths.
  • Compare texts by the same writer.
  • Compare texts by different writers on the same topic.
  • Summarise key information from different texts.
  • Empathise with different character’s points of view.
  • Infer meaning using evidence from the text and wider reading and personal experience.
  • Explain how a writer’s use of language and grammatical features have been used to create effects, and impact on the reader.
  • Explain how punctuation marks the grammatical boundaries of sentences and gives meaning.
  • Know how the way a text is organised supports the purpose of the writing.
  • Use scanning and text marking to find and identify key information.

Writing-Exceeding Statements

  • Use paragraphs to structure the plot in narrative writing, showing changes in time, place and events.
  • Use changes in time and place to guide the reader through the text.
  • Use paragraphs to organise information logically and shape a non-fiction text effectively.
  • Sustain and develop ideas within a paragraph, introducing it with a topic sentence.
  • Close text with reference to its opening.
  • Re-order sentences to create impact on the reader.
  • Use expanded noun phrases to add well thought out detail to writing.
  • Use punctuation to clarify meaning of sentences – commas to mark phrases and clauses.
  • Use dialogue effectively and punctuate it accurately.



Use the documents below as guides on how to support your child during their Year 5 reading learning journey: