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On-line Safety

Staying safe online -help and information for parents

The Child Exploitation and Online Protection Command, or CEOP Command, is a part of the UK's National Crime Agency, and is tasked to work both nationally and internationally to combat a range of online threats.


If you have any concerns with your or another child's online safety  visit: for further information and advice. The Child Exploitation & Online Protection (CEOP) Centre has set up its own website specifically for children, young people, teachers and parents/carers 


Other useful websites to help you stay safe online and support your children's safe use of the internet and digitial media:


Guide to the most recent developments and restricitions on APPS and SOCIAL

MEDIA - online safety - online safety - Lots of good eSafety advice An organisation working directly with children, parents and teachers covering online  safety - Developed by Childnet International, it has information on children's technology and guidance about online safety - Twenty percent of children have experienced online bullying, this web site gives advice for children and parents on cyberbullying


Who else can I talk to?

In school the designated safeguarding leads are Mr Brandon and Mr Sandhi.


Local Policing Team

Our friendly local PCSOs Tom Maxfield, Emma Fry and Helen Walker can always be contacted via the non-emergency Police telephone number 101 for other support.


Parents' guide to staying safe online- booklet

Your children may well know a lot more about the internet than you do, so why not read through this booklet to help you support the safe use of digital media. A copy for parents is in the school entrance foyer and we're more than happy to print a copy if required.


BBC parents' guide to internet use

Parenting in a digital world
