What our children say about us
On our Curriculum:
"The lessons are fun and challenging to make us learn."
"I love doing Art because when I do it, I feel like it is just me and my Art."
On our Teachers:
"They are all really helpful and when we ask questions, they say it in a way they know we will understand"
"The teachers are incredible and often give encouraging comments which make us enthusiastic."
"Teachers are all so hardworking to make sure everything is ready for us."
" They have their own way to make the children understand."
On Friends:
"We are all friends in class and we all look after each other."
"Helpful and are there when you ever need help"
On Activities:
"I love the school trips because it gives you a new experience and it might be something you really love."
" I like it when we have the apparatus out."
"It is fun but educational and helps up with things we might need to know and shows us awareness of a computer and how we can use it properly."
On Maths:
"It is fun and it doesn't matter if we FAIL because we will keep going until we get there."
"Before I didn't understand Maths but now, I feel like I understand the little steps more to get the answer."
"I used to feel like I couldn't do Maths but now I feel like I understand things much better because of the way you teach it."
Vehicles (how we deliver our curriculum):
"It gives us a new experience and shows us what things are like elsewhere and gives us a reason for our learning like when we write letters for Sir Richard."
"The vehicles make all the subjects a bit more engaging."
"I have enjoyed raising money for Mary's meals and knowing I am helping other people who aren't as lucky as us."