School Logo

Year 6

Welcome to Year 6!

Teacher - Mrs Batchelor

Teaching Assistant - Mrs Dunn 



Welcome to your final year in your primary school journey! Year 6 is full of new responsibilities, new experiences and of course new challenges. The Year 6 team cannot wait to continue this exciting journey with you all and watch you all grow in readiness for your next step to high school.


If you wish to discuss any aspect of the Year 6 Curriculum or any issues regarding your child, please contact the school office to arrange an appointment, either by phone or email or for direct contact with Mrs Batchelor, email




Please do not hesitate to contact us with any queries or questions.

Things you need to know:

  • The school day starts at 08:40 a.m. promptly and finishes at 3:15 p.m. You must be on time and ready to learn.
  • Uniform  - Dress Smart - Think Smart. Please ensure correct uniform is worn every day, with shirts tucked in and hair tied back. 
  • P.E is on Thursday with Miss Hough and Friday afternoon with Mr. Parker. Please ensure you are wearing the correct school P.E kit.
  • Homework is set each week on a Friday and due back on Wednesday.  Daily tasks may also be set in order to further support the learning in school.
  • Children have 30 minutes daily reading homework, which should be recorded in their diaries, and brought into school every day.
  • Resources/stationary are provided in school. 
  • Pupils must bring a full water bottle to school each day. 
  • For children who travel to and from school independently, we need signed written permission.  These children may bring their phone to school with them; this must be switched off and signed into the school office each morning before school and collected each evening.  


Year 6 SATs Dates for 2025

These are timetabled from Monday 12th - Thursday 15th May 2025


Monday 12th May:

English Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Paper 1

English Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Paper 2


Tuesday 13th May:

English Reading Paper


Wednesday 14th May:

Maths Paper 1- Arithmetic

Maths Paper 2- Reasoning


Thursday 15th May:

Maths Paper 3- Reasoning

Year 6 SATs presentation for parents 2024/2025

Year 6 Curriculum and Expectations


As a school, we report your child’s progress against these end-of-year expectations at our parent evenings during the year.

The following terms will be used:

· Your child is not on track to meet the end of year national expectations.

· Your child is on track to meet the end of year national expectations.

· Your child is on track to exceed the end of year national expectations.


Any extra support you can provide in helping your child or children to achieve these will benefit them greatly.
