Reading is the key to all success! If you can read, you can gain knowledge, understanding and enjoyment.
In Year 6, we expect you to read for at least 20-30 minutes everyday, so that you gain stamina and fluency, as well as the love of reading. Record your home reading in your reading diary daily to earn rewards in class. Reading diaries need to be in school each day so that rewards can be given and so that teachers can support with reading targets effectively.
Most children in Year 6 will be confident readers. Children will be issued with a book banded book in the higher KS2 levels: this specifically targets inference skills, vocabulary and the coverage of genres children wouldn't usually chose on their own. Regular reading of this book will consolidate your word reading skills, vocabulary reading or fluency (it is recommended to read this a couple of times to improve your fluency and to change this at least weekly).
Children will also have a 'reading for pleasure' free choice book: this means that you will be able to choose the book you read from home, the school or class libraries or your local community library. Use the list below to help you to read a range of genres at the right level. You can also borrow non-fiction books from our school library and novels from your class library to help with wider reading linked to our Science, History, Geography and other curriculum subjects.