SEND in the Painsley MAC
SENCO: Mrs L Griffith
We aim to provide the highest standards of education in a welcoming and positive learning environment. We focus on the growth and development of each person, encouraging each child to play an active part in their own learning and so make every effort to achieve their individual potential. We want our school to be a place where everyone learns to respect, work, play and co-operate with others in a Christian, caring way, whilst fostering close links with our church, parish and the wider community.
There are four broad categories of SEND
1. Cognition and Learning
2. Social, Mental and Emotional Health
3. Sensory and Physical
4. Communication and Interaction
We aim to provide support in all of these areas.
Our objectives are to:
Identify as early as possible those children with special needs
Regularly inform parents of their child’s progress
Liaise regularly with external agencies
Create individual education plans where appropriate
Plan and differentiate appropriate work for the children with special needs.
Mrs. L Griffith is St Patrick's school SENCO. Her email is:
She is currently out of class on Tuesdays. Please allow 3 working days for her response to any emails. Should you need to contact her urgently please call the school office: 07185 413275.