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Power Maths

At St Patrick's Primary School, we use Power Maths - an exciting mastery approach - for our maths lessons.

It has been recommended by the Department of Education, DFE, to ensure that the aims, of the National Curriculum are achieved. 

At the heart of Power Maths is the belief that all children can achieve. It rejects the idea that people simply ‘can’t do’ maths. It is built on a growth mindset and problem-solving approach.

The aims of Power Maths

Keeping the whole class progressing together.

Providing rich problem-solving and engage every child.

Practical assessment to reveal misconceptions and inform speedy interventions.

Nurturing growth mindset and building children’s confidence in maths.

Through Power Maths we achieve Mastery which is ‘’Mastering maths means acquiring a deep, long-term, secure and adaptable understanding of the subject” – NCETM and provides our children with a growth mind.


Have a look at this powerpoint which will give you an insight to the Power maths lessons your children will participate in.
